Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Do You Wonder

Do you ever wonder if you have done enough?  Made enough difference in the world? Tried hard enough, appreciated your blessings to the max?  Been present and utilized your skills?

What if you haven't?  What if life is passing you by?  What if, what if, what if.

I know, pretty heavy conversation.  Truth is I have all the questions and none of the answers.  By dog standards, if I get excited about treats, turn back flips when my owner comes home (or out of the bathroom), nap in the sun (or the shade) and wag with joy daily, I'd be a success.  I'd have given my love unconditionally, received openly and not bitten the hand that feeds me.

I would like to be more dog-like, and less human-like.  I'd be more warm and sunny and less nit picky.  I'd be goofy without thought and gentle beyond measure.  

Here is the deal.  You never know the burden another is carrying.  Best we can do is try to lighten the load.  We can be the treats and give the treats.  We can give soft touch, and in turn receive them.  We can wag with unbridled joy, laugh at the ridiculous and the sublime, circle three times and lay down to rest.

And we may still wonder if we've done enough.   

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why not me??

Here's the deal.  I'm looking for you, so listen up.

My name is Buddy, but you can call me Bud, or Pal or Dufus.  Just call me okay.  I have lots to offer.  I'm not a wild young puppy, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.  I can nap with the best, but I also love going for a run. I dance when I'm excited, I've got a bark that means business.  I point.  I clean my plate.  

My needs are simple.  I like to be with my people.  If you're home most the time and need a friend, it's me.  I need a soft place to lay, but I never get up on the furniture. I like to dig. Owning it is the first step. I'll stop if you ask, fair enough? 

I am just one of the terrific dogs looking for homes with Great Plains Pointer Rescue.  So if a sensational senior is not the right fit for you, there are other dogs who could be.

Now, for the record, I was not bribed, coerced, or otherwise pressed upon to make these statements.  I may have a treat waiting for me when I'm done, I'm not telling.  Foster care is awesome, don't get me wrong, but I know someone special is looking for a sweet 'ol soul like me.  

So, again I ask, why not me?  Really,  why not me?  No, seriously, why not me?