Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Incoming and Outgoing

I love that when I suggest to Reno another foster he doesn't visibly flinch.  I said there were two pups needing foster homes and what did he think.  He thought one or the other but not both.  But if I wanted both he'd support me.  

I know Hank would want us to.  Layla will love it, and Mick is rolling his eyes.  OMG, here we go again.  Yes, here we go again.  Later this week we have a 7 month old pointer/setter pup named Bailey joining the pack until she finds her forever home.  That is the incoming news.

The outgoing - well it's just me getting on my little bitty soapbox for a while.  I'm feeling very old.  I am amazed, and still a bit appalled at the general usage of the "f" bomb. My Mom would be proud to hear me say this.   It comes "out" of so many peoples mouths on a regular basis.  Hell, I can remember when hell was a bad word.  Now the king of all bad words is used all the time.  Sigh, it is what it is.  I don't have to like it and I rarely use it.  It never feels right coming out of my mouth, but that is just me.  What will people use when that one is totally desensitized?  Beats the bejeebers out of me.

So there you have it.  The in's and out's of it. Good news, bad words.  Such is life.

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