Monday, May 28, 2012

I Would Like To Thank The....

I, Hanky Poo McLovin, would like to thank the staff of the Montgomery County Animal Rescue in Red Oak, IA, and Pointer Rescue Organization for where I am today.

Sure, you're thinking dogs don't do testimonials. Dude, yes they do! Without you, Jan, I wouldn't be living the good life in Nebraska. You carried me into the shelter when I couldn't walk. Your team members showed me, kindness, compassion and where the kibble was. You are a small town rescue with a big heart. I hope you count me as one of your successes.

I want for nothing. Well, except maybe that big t-bone steak in the freezer. Okay, so I only want for that steak, and, umm, the squirrel that talks smack to me in the back yard. Other than that, I have it all. Oh, and the kitty that runs loose in the vet clinic. That is wrong on many levels. I really wanted that. I wanted that with lust in my heart. Not because I wanted a friend either. Of course, I often want the cucumbers to roll off the counter, because they are one of my favorites. They are round, it could happen you know. I want Layla to quit being a pest, but you now the saying about pigs flying. But other than that I have everything a dog could want.

Food, shelter, a king size bed, gentle hands, kisses on the schnozzle. Thanks to you guys I am a dog blessed. So it's okay if I dream about steaks, squirrels, rolling cucumbers and loose kitties. It's all part of the good life you gave me.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Silly Boy's

There is a silly pointer boy named Hank that lives with us. He has several alias'. He is called Hanky, Mr. Hanky, Poo, Mr. Hanky McLovin. He came into rescue as a stray, barely able to walk. We said yes to fostering him. That was about 3 years ago.

He has the thinnest coat I've ever seen on a pointer and a pink hairless belly. Hank has the gnarliest nipples and lumps-n-bumps from mast cell tumors. Some people might question why we'd keep a guy like him. I would challenge them why not? There is an idiot out there who has missed three awesome years with a peach of a pointer.

Of late, his tumor began showing rapid growth, so we know our time with him is limited to month's, if we are lucky. We're taking this opportunity to shower extra loving on a guy who exudes love personified. Yesterday we split a burger and fries at Freddie's SteakBurgers. He wants you to know that if Mom ever offers to share a Freddie Burger one should always, always, always say yes!

Life is short and we plan to savor all the Hanky moments we have left. Cause dogs don't get any better than Hank, and we are blessed to share his journey.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Who's Training Who

I think I'm doing well because Layla is learning to heel, to come (sometimes), to leave it, to wait. I think she's just humoring me. Half the time I'm praising her for these accomplishments, the other half I'm telling her to quit eating from my flower pots, to get off the picnic table, to stop eating my growers pots. Especially the one with the mint I'm growing for Mojito's.

It's been a while since we're done any serious obedience work with my dogs. Hahaha, serious? and Layla? In the same sentence? Not hardly.

Between her attention span, and mine for that matter, it makes it a challenge. With the uncertain background of her first year she requires some extra patience. And then, she is handicapped by my ability to make time, or not make time, for training sessions. I'm certain we are the "most likely to fail" in class. Even the 6 month old Great Dane pup is doing better. And she had to be almost dragged into class the first session.

I suppose any training is better than no training. We're learning as we go, I'm training her, she's training me. It's a teamwork thing.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


I've been doing this Mom gig for quite a while now. Let me tell you I'd do those baby days over in a heart beat. Not at my current age, mind you, but back when I was young, semi-clueless and full of energy. It's been a privilege to be called Mom, Mommy, Mother, dog-Mom, foster dog-Mom.

I still wake up at the crack of dawn with the dogs. Years of being "on call" with the kids trained me for this. One ear always open for them stirring. One heart beat away from concern that something might be wrong with a precious little one. I'm at the stage in life where my kids are on their own, self sufficient and our circles don't cross much. Not complaining at all, mind you. Except for missing the joy of them walking in the door when you don't expect them.

Now I just "Mom" the dogs. Believe me, with Layla it's a full time job. She is a digger, chewer, hunter of moths, go getter that has no off button. At her first obedience class the teacher used her as a prime example. We might never get her to 'sit', we need to pick our battles. Great, first class and we are a shining example of non-compliance.

But, and there is always a but, she keeps us on our toes, makes us laugh, entices us to throw the tennis ball a hundred times a day and keeps Mick and Hank from being stodgy couch potatoes.

Kids are like that. They keep us from complacency and at the same time make our hearts grow. Makes me realize how lucky I am in my role as Mother of both, the two footed and four footed variety of kids.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Prancing In The Dark

Ms. Layla, who believes she is part retriever, loves her tennis balls. Thanks to a neighbor kid who plays tennis, she has quite a collection. There are at least 6 if not more in the yard. If she wants you to throw it, she'll bring it and drop it near you. If you don't respond she'll go get another. Just in case we prefer one ball over the other. Let me tell you, she's hard to resist.

Last night we played what I call "prancing in the dark". Imagine a young, blonde bimbo..err...young liver pointer playing fetch in the dark. We would toss the ball, but she was clueless as to where it went. No matter that. She would run circles in the yard until she found a ball. Doesn't matter which ball. Any ball will do. Game on! Granted, if she only had one ball it would have been a different game. Way more intense than her little brain could handle. Since there were many she was like "Oh yea! A Ball!, run, run, wait for the toss. Run, run, run, Oh hey! Here's a ball. Run, run, run. Wait for the, run, run...Heck Yes, I'm a night vision retrieving genius!

Maybe she's a genius. Could be she's the Einstein of canines. Or, maybe, she's a silly little pointer girl prancing in the dark. Thankfully she lives in a yard where it rains tennis balls. ...wait for the, run, run...