Thursday, August 25, 2011

Who Is Training Who?

Over the years my kids have witnessed many acts of kindness. You know, things you do because it's the right thing to do and because you can.

Like sending flowers, and making a meal for someone in need. They saw this over and over and it warms my heart to see them do these things for their friends. Well, they have got the idea, the execution isn't perfect, but I'm thrilled they know what to do.

I haven't figured out if my oldest son is really smart, or really lazy, but he's getting the job done. His girlfriend's father has been ill and recently passed away. As the floral expert in the family he called to have me order flowers to go to the hospital. No problem, I can do that. I thought it was very sweet. After the death, I was asked to make some lasagna for the family. Again, I'm tickled pink he wanted to do this...and that he thinks Mom's lasagna is pretty tasty. I'm kinda surprised he didn't ask his sister the chef to do the cooking. Proof I still have the knack!

I didn't mind in the least cooking for him. I love his generous spirit, which I know he witnessed at home. And, I'm amused at how he still has me wrapped around his finger. Not necessarily a bad thing....

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Leaps of Faith

There are dogs who leap 20+ feet off a dock into a pool of water in the Super Retriever Series of Dock Dogs competitions. It is an amazing event. Dogs who live to retrieve and love the water. It's mostly a lab driven event, but there are Golden's, GSP's, mixed breeds, name it, if the dog loves the water they will be there jumping. This year's event was held at Scheel's Sporting Goods. We go to watch my son's dog Decoy jump. Labs and water are pretty much synonymous.

They also offer time for fun jumps for those who haven't ever tried dock jumping. Victories in that category are measured much differently.

For example, I took Mr. Hanky for the fun jump session this morning. For a dog who was picked up a stray, found his way into rescue and has mast cell tumors every day is a victory. We went for a much different reason. We went to experience something new together. To seize the moment, to test the water, to jump into new experiences.

Okay, so "jumping" may be a stretch. First off, I didn't even know if he'd been in water before. Other than the water torture he associates with getting a bath. So, my expectations were low. Way lower than the distance from the dock to the water. In fact we didn't even go up on top of the dock. We went to the side ramp to walk him up one side and down the other into the water. I'm sure people watching considered our attempts feeble and laughable. Hank was uncertain and certainly not eager. With help we got him to go up the ramp and down into the water. If Hank could talk he would have been swearing like a sailor.

He wasn't the most athletic dog there, or adventurous, or ball driven. And who knows if he'll be here next year to try again. It was a victory measured through the bond of love and adventure. Once was enough for Hank, and for me. It was a small leap of faith that made huge indelible memories. I came away with a wet dog, and happy memories. Life is good.

Friday, August 19, 2011

600 posts......

600 blogs and counting....thank you for reading and sharing. For reading and laughing, for reading and pondering, for reading and hearing.

The dogs want you to know I am every bit as crazy as I sometimes sound, and there is room for growth!

Without the would not be.


I didn't plant much of a garden this season. Frankly, because I thought we would be moved by harvest time. I did, as a nod to the Garden God's plant one tomato plant, because I could not sleep if I hadn't planted at least one.

I also figured I might have a volunteer or two in the vegetable garden. I was not wrong. I have cherry tomato's galore! Not just one variety either. Little cherry tomato's, big cherry tomato's, cherry tomato's that look like regular tomato wanna be's. There are even yellow cherry tomato's - not sure where they came from.

Except..... and this is the good part, that abundance knows no bounds. The vines have gone wild. I've even pruned them so I can actually get into the garden area. They could stand pruning again. Who prunes tomato vines?? Seriously?

With all due respect, the weeds have grown as abundantly as the 'maters have. But I shall focus on the happy harvest. Thank you garden, thank you tomato's, thank you abundance that comes in so many ways, shapes and forms.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

In A Holding Pattern

Yup, we're waiting. Waiting for the house to sell, for a new job to be offered to me, to find new housing, for our new life together to begin. Waiting for all that to be settled so we can foster again.

In reality, it's all begun. Just can't see the progress right now. I am not good at waiting. I know I should be calm, collected, reserving energy for the excitement ahead. I should be like a tortoise, slow and steady packing and preparing. I'm not so much a tortoise. I more resemble a chicken with my head cut off. What do I do? When do I do it? Where do I do it? When will I know?? Why not now??

I have a hard time with questions with no answers. Perhaps we all do, so I ought to be more gentle with myself. I should tell myself to "breathe" helps. I should let go and let God, instead of sending up flares of anxiety. I should focus on the calm of my life right now.

The calm, oh ya, might not be a bad place to dwell for a while.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Makes you wonder...

Every other Saturday I go in early to open the store. There is almost always an older man sitting in his car when I arrive. Not unusual because we have a restaurant attached to our store. But, I have never seen this man go into the restaurant. Have never seen him get out of his car period. He is usually there for about 20-30 minutes after I arrive and then he's gone.

It makes me wonder what his story is. Perhaps, before I leave the store I'll have to ask him. Does he wait to "see" an estranged family member? Does he go to relieve memories of Saturday mornings with a loved one? Does he get there and forget to go in? Oh! It could be anything! It could be nothing, but it makes me wonder.

Then too, I wonder if he'll be offended if I inquire about his story. But, mostly, I think people want to share their stories. People want to be heard, long to be heard, love to be heard. Usually there is a gift to be had by asking and listening. I believe I will....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Grass is Greener

You know what they say....about grass...on the other side of the fence. It's true. Now, also understand, that every time the dogs go out in the yard it's like the very first time for them! Whohooo - we're running, it's a yard, could be birds, could be bunnies, could be toads, snakes and butterflies. It's our territory, see the dogs run, run dogs run.

Today - it was a new yard. We took Hank, Mick and our little visitor dog, Rascal, to a friends house to run. We were having an Open House and had to vamoose for 90 minutes. Mick was in his glory, running the perimeter, jumping off 4' retaining walls. That part made me nervous! Hank didn't run as much, but his special op was fertilization. Rascal didn't wander far, but a praying mantis about scared him out of his fur coat.

What a treat to see them reveling in the joy of a new yard. What a blessing to have friends who welcome you and your pack without reservation. A new yard has new path's to explore. A familiar yard has tried and true paths. All path's are run with abandon. And that is a dog gone delight.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Show Me Your Teeth

This title could read so many ways. There is the gleaming white knock 'em dead smile kind of show me your teeth. The don't mess with me I'm threatened curling of the lips to show you my teeth. There is the little baby has it's first tooth type of show me your teeth.

Then there is the black lab who showed me her teeth the other night. She wanted my attention. I told her to go lay down. She wanted my attention, I told her to go lay down. I turned my gaze from hers to further show that I meant business. So in a completely, non-aggressive, attention seeking manner Tobey showed me her teeth. I'm certain if she could talk she would have said "look at my pretty smile, now will you pet me? Now will you pet me, now will you pet me?? See me smile, now will you pet me". So I lost it at that point to laughter. It was a clever ploy and it worked. Point Tobey.

Personally, I'm feeling like showing my teeth in not a happy lab way. My house is up for sale, and yesterday the house next door to us went up for sale. Grrrrrrr.....I feel like I'm in limbo as it is. When will it sell, when will we move, where while we move? Will there be anything good to buy when we do sell?? I don't need the competition of two houses in the cul-de-sac for sale at one time. The stress is making my lips curl. Not a pretty sight.

So there you have it, happy lips, cranky lips. What can I say....lips happen.