Sunday, December 30, 2012

Throw Another Log On The Fire

It's that time again.  Time to put the holiday decorations away, to look back on the year, to look forward, and yes, time to throw another log on the fire.

In dog days it's been a terrific year.  Snowflake, Layla, Jess, Bailey and now, Buck...all found forever homes.  That's probably the most fosters we've had in one year.  About last year this time Mick got sick and we thought we were going to lose him.  He's still kicking it for which I give thanks every day.  Twelve years ago he got me started with pointers and what a case of the zoomies it's been every since.  We did lose Mr. Hanky this year.  But his loss is tempered by the joy of loving him for three years.  Everyone should have Mr. Hanky at least once in their life.

Pointer Rescue Organization led me to Mick and from there it just got better and better.  Now we're active with Great Plains Pointer Rescue and yup, it just get's better and better.  I could probably chalk up all the dogs that have come into my life from these groups as a result of getting divorced many years ago.  Not directly, but none-the-less that life change set a new course in my life.

In a way I was pushed into a new life.  Suffice it to say I've blossomed.  And laughed, and loved, and opened my heart to so many new things.  So many new dogs.  Since it was not humanly possible to own them all at once, fostering is the next best thing.

So as this year winds down, and a new one is on the horizon I give thanks. For the doggies. For the challenges, for the time to say yes, the time to say no.  The time to throw another log on the fire and just enjoy where life has taken me.  If you think I've gone to the dogs, you would be totally correct.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Stockings Were Hung...

The stockings were hung by the chimney with a world that I think exists out there somewhere.

In our little world, however,  it's still a scramble and the house it is completely in shambles.  Yes, how fun it can be to start with a rhyme til you realize its not so sublime.

We celebrate Christmas and furry friends you see, without them I tell you I wouldn't be me.

It's been quite a year with fosters out here, each one so different but always a dear.

On Snowflake, on Layla, on Bailey, Jess and Buck, you'd think with these names I may get so stuck.  One out of five just with us did stay, we could not let Miss Layla find a home far away.

No Santa hats or antlers for these pups you see, just a home full of loving from Reno and me.

A big yard to play in, to romp and run, our life in the country, son of a gun.  We blessed and we're happy, with these dogs we do love.  Blessings untold from someone above.

So there is my poem, silly and quite trite, but we wish you a Merry Christmas and to all a good night.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


For me, the dogs bring laughter, entertainment, compassion and comfort.  After the massacre at Sandy Hook, not even the dogs can offer sufficient comfort. There is a gut wrenching agony at the injustice of it all.

And yet, the dogs don't know the depths of our sorrow or the events that break our hearts.  They know only to live in the moment.  Which, is probably a wise goal for us as well.

Some of our moments are those of sorrow, some despair, some exquisite joy, some the day in and day out routine of life.  Until something happens to shake our foundation, to reveal another side of life.  Then we are called to weep with those who mourn, to celebrate when life is good, to trust in the process when we cannot clearly see the path.  

So we solidarity.  Holding close those we love, the two footed and the four footed loves of our life.  And we try to go on, in the moment as best we can.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Take What You Get - Be Happy With It

At Christmas, and other times it is a mad rush to get things.  Things, stuff, possessions, items, doodads, gifts, gadgets, get my drift.  We are so driven we forget how blessed we are. 

At dinner tonight we sat down to a pleasant meal.  Not my best effort, but it fell under the quick & easy category and we wouldn't go hungry.  Thank you Trader Joe's.   Someone looked at the fixings and said where is the _______ and where is the ________?  Someone suggested they take their happy little self out of the kitchen, come back and exclaim what a delicious dinner we were having.  And we were.

Think about the dogs.  They (mostly) get the same food day in and day out.  They are ecstatic when I feed them.  Omg, omg, omg she's gonna feed us.  Omg, omg, omg I'm so excited I'm drooling.  And then there is Buck who helps himself to things on the counter and thinks Omg, Omg, Omg manna from the heavens is just left on the counter for me!!

Sometimes it's prime rib, some times it's kibble. Sometimes isn't all the time.    Sometimes you just have to take what you get and be happy with it.  


Sunday, December 2, 2012


I should have documented all the shenanigans over the years.  A log book of some sort listing each pup who shared our lives and the ways they touched our heart. Along with a photo of the suspect involved.

There would be Abby, my labrador, who ate the $200 cash car insurance payment off the kitchen table.  Evidence was found on that, but it was beyond repair.  She also chewed threw more leashes than I could count.  There was Fancy, my daughters dobe.  She had a thing for shoes.  God bless her she never ate them.  But would take one and bury it in her blanket.

Several had a thing for lingerie.  Mickey "took" a bra from laundry basket and raced around the back yard with it around his neck.  But then he also dragged my iron down the steps where it landed on the ceramic tile floor.  Scared the beejeezus out of him!  Pete snatch a hot pink Victoria's Secret bra and was found on the sofa savoring it.  

Under the category of blatant opportunism we have Mickey who snagged the piece of fruit cake off the coffee table.  He could just taste the holiday spirit that day! Prince Kobe sampled Reno's single malt scotch and somehow lived to tell about it. He also surfed a cucumber off the counter and proceeded to consume it.  He was a dog with a diverse palate.  

Jessie helped herself to some chicken and a pork chop.  Screw the cucumbers she was going for the good stuff.  And then there is Buck.  He sets the record for leaving a debris path while counter surfing.  He helped himself to a box of crackers, 1/2 a loaf of bread, part of a stick of butter.  He lacked the motor skills to take the butter dish lid off, so he knocked it to the ground shattering it.  Egads.  He did have an accomplice.  But we know it was his long legs that got him to the goodies.  

Now, in our defense.  Ummm....well...we do have one.  Just not sure it would hold water, bread, crackers or some really good scotch.  Thankfully I can report little, or no blood shed during these events.  We have gotten smarter, but the evidence just posted doesn't exactly show that.  All the proof I really have is that the dogs are really smart and we do our best to keep up with them.  And it's always, always interesting in our doggy dog world.