Sunday, January 20, 2013

Walking Partners

Roughly 13 years ago my 8 week old Labrador puppy gave me a wonderful gift.     Simply by chance, and because Abby was so stinking cute I received the gift of a girl friend.  Now, seriously, what is better than a girl friend?  Unless you are a guy and then it would be a guy friend.  It had to have been destiny.

Now we all know puppies are like magnets.  So this woman, walking by my house with her own lab, didn't stand a chance.  Karma, timing, dogs, mutual interests, and irreverent sense of humor all met in that moment.  And the rest is history.

So, over the years we walked together.  For the longest time we walked the dogs in the cemetery.  Until we got thrown out.  Lest you think it was something we did, it wasn't.  Dogs were banned from the cemetery and we lost our favorite walking spot. Then we walked the dogs at the hospital while doing pet therapy visits.  Then one of us (who shall remain nameless) had the nerve to move to the other side of town. Then to another part of the state. She had a lot of nerve I tell you.

On a visit this weekend, we got to walk again.  With my dogs, not hers, and in my neck of the woods.  But, as with good friends you pick up right where you left off. With stories and giggles, memories and new adventures.  On a gravel road and in a corn field we walked bundled up with gloves, hats and fur collars we had each purchased by chance.  Fur collars in the country, how delightfully absurd.  And deliciously warm.  Just like our friendship.

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