Sunday, February 10, 2013

For The Dogs

Truth be told, we bought this house purely for the dogs.  We run it around the needs of the dogs, for the pleasure of the dogs.  This weekend we worked on the dog/mud room.  Another area simple for their comfort.  Plus it gives us hope that some day we won't fight for space on the sofa.  Because, of course, the dogs will have their own sofa.  

My son and a buddy who works construction came to help build the wall closing off part of the garage and creating the dog space.  They made a good team.  One with all the knowledge and the best tools, and two eager helpers.  Their easy camaraderie was infectious.  I was in charge of cooking for them, taking pictures, and watching the dogs.  Our two, my son's lab, and his friends two labs. The labs held the majority today.  

They were as busy as the crew in the garage and the cook in the kitchen.  Many hands make light work. Today was proof of that.  Funny how the help you needs arrives in willing workers.  And while our house is too small for five big dogs, it was fun to have them around.  Since power tools and cigars aren't my forte, thank God the dogs are!

Speaking of which, we saw a dog out on the road today.  All by itself running up E. 3 Road where it took a specific turn on North Stockham Road.  Not sure where it came from, but it sure seemed to know where it was going.  He/she was on a mission. Trucking down the road towards our little town.  I hope a warm shelter and food awaited it.  We'll never know, but we have to trust that is the case.  

I think it's better to trust that way.  Move with certainty...what you need will be waiting on the other end.

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