Sunday, February 3, 2013

If You're Happy And You Know It Flap Your Ears

Mr. Mick would like to tell you how much he loves being in the country.  Layla would second that motion.  Sometimes I think old dogs give me the most joy, and other times I think it's young dogs.

It is one extreme to the other here with a 12+ year old and a 2 year old.  Mick could give the Earl of Grantham a run for his money in terms of decorum. Layla is so, so full of joy she can't stop wiggling.  He must surely roll his eyes at her shenigans.   She begs him to cut loose and play.

When we walk them, we're learning what their bliss is.  It is running in the fields and sniffing in the bushes.  

It's gazing into the distance and smelling the good life.  


It's hikes by the river. Hikes in the fields. It's walking down to get the garbage can. It is simple pleasures with a four footed friend by your side.  It's pointing something side-by-side and the glory of witnessing it.

It's pure and simple.  And Mick would tell you...if you're happy and you know it flap your ears, wag your tail, run for joy.  He would be right.

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