Tuesday, January 28, 2014

New Loves

I'm a sucker for babies, puppies and old dogs. Jewelry, flowers, babies and old dogs. In no particular order.

Babies are simply amazing.  Even though I "know" how they get in and how they get out I am always baffled by the process.  Puppies are irresistible.  But I love them when they are sleeping best.  Old dogs are just rock.  Gray muzzles, cloudy eyes, stiff joints. They are priceless just the way they are.

You could say I'm two-for-two this month. Sort of a red letter month if you ask me. Every day with my old boy, Mickey is a special blessing. He is one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life.  I hope I age as well as he has. God bless the old loves in our life.

Then there is a new love in our lives.  He falls into the baby column of life.  It takes a grand baby to help you realize how precious infants really are. Sometimes when you are in the midst of raising your own kids you miss out on a tiny part of the miracle they represent.  A grand parent can just soak up the magic. I'm not sure who coo's more, a baby or a grand parent. Either way something special happens when you love up on your grand child.

Now I know you wonder at my ability to link old dogs and babies in one blog. Truthfully, I'd throw in a puppy if I could, but  I'm fresh out of puppies.  They are things to marvel at, to treasure, to laugh at, to love. So give me the magic and let me learn about love again. It's found in the eyes of babies, old dogs and puppies.    

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