Sunday, February 9, 2014

Many Hands Make Light Work

I have been to adoption events, a national dog show, to market as a buyer, to meetings, quilt groups, even a random book club.  For a while I belonged to a group that made sandwiches for the poor.  I've been fortunate to help others move, regroup after a house fire, heal from surgery and other heartbreaks. We are given hands to reach out to one another.  Each opportunity is a blessing.  

There is a guy in town who currently wears my blue hat.  He came in the store recently on a bitterly cold day to warm his feet.  He left with my hat.  How can his feet be warm if his head is cold?  I only wish I'd thought to give him my spare gloves too.  

I'm learning all about my sense of community, now that my whole community is way less than my previous subdivision.  We all have those support systems that make up our community.  Family community, rescue community, pet therapy community, work community, faith community.  Some of these groups are large, some are small yet mighty.

Yesterday I enjoyed a community that worked together in the process of butchering hogs to feed their families.  Okay, city girl here.  It was a first. Now, in my defense, I missed the butchering part due to being at work.  I got in on the tail end, so to speak of the process.  I was fascinated and happy to be a part of it in a very small way.  Next year I hope to be there for more of it. The end result feeds the hungry.  The process nourishes the soul. Many hands make light work.  I didn't do much, but every little bit helps.  I came away full and happy to have put my hands to a community task.  May your hands reach out to help, and come away blessed too. 

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