Thursday, June 12, 2014


There have been several discoveries of late.    None of them earth shattering, thank Dog.  

I've finally discovered a vet I like here as well as the vet in my old home town.  I loved my old vet.  Not that he was old, but there was something about him sitting on the floor to examine my dogs that just melted my heart. I've visited several vets in this area, all of them qualified.  Just couldn't find the right fit.  Hated not feeling the love, glad I've finally gotten there.  

I've discovered as cute as little bunnies are, I detest what they've done to my garden.  Little stinkers mowed down two rose bushes over night and then feasted on my cucumber plants.  You might be thinking, now where are those dogs she always writes about?  Hmmmm....well, the flippin bunnies are opportunists.  While the dogs snore, the bunnies do their chore.

Another discovery is that while I've been here several years, I am occasionally overwhelmed by the feeling I'm still not completely connected. Granted I had years of building relationships there, and only a few here. I need to be gentle with myself in this regard.  But for the record it's a lonely feeling. Or maybe there are just lonely times in life, wherever you are.

And like with children, sometimes when your dog poops it's cause for celebration. Bet you didn't see that discovery coming!  Thanks to the vet mentioned above poop moves freely.  Count that one in the column called poo gratitude.

So there you have it, vets, bunnies, the blues and poo.  Just a little update from my doggy dog world.

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