Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'm a Helper

Everyone needs a helper.  Someone to lend a hand, or paw.  Someone to let you lean on them. To be there for you.  Someone you howl for when they are gone.

Wallace is that sort of guy.  Except he's a dog.  He's a big goober of a dog.  He drools when stressed.  He's learning the ropes.  Oh, I can't eat that rope?  How about the shoes, or the pillows, or the coffee table?? No???  Well, what can I eat?  How about that nice eggplant you picked? He is learning the finer nuances of being an indoor dog.  Like how not to fall off of the love seat.  How not to tip over the recliner.  Did I mention he's a big goober??  He's teaching me what it's like to have a shadow.  Although, he's like velcro until I go down stairs.  Wallace draws the line at stairs...and getting into cars.  Nope, can't make me.  I lifted him in the other day, had too.  All 57 lbs of him.  I won't be doing that again unless I absolutely have too. But, a good helper will lift you up sometimes.  Either physically or emotionally.

He also helps me laugh and not get too engrossed in busy things.  One must keep on eye on him at all times, less damage that way.  Hence the dog bed currently residing in the trash can, took my eyes off him for too long.  He is digging the worlds largest hole to bury his Kong in.  Helpers will dig holes to bury things in.  I'd go into depth on that but the names are being withheld to protect the innocent. He's not particularly fast, but he is consistently into mischief.  He's a juvenile delinquent in a big dog body. This too shall pass as he matures and learns the routine around here.  Okay, learning the routine will happen way before the maturity develops.

Everyone could use a helper like Wallace.  I'm pretty lucky to have this gift in my life for a while. Someone else will be lucky to have this gift for a lifetime.  All that said, do you have room in your heart for a good helper??

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