Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Welcome To The Good Life

The state slogan here is Nebraska the Good Life.  For a nine year old pointer named Buddy so it is.  

Buddy joined the Great Plains Pointer Rescue fold recently and today took up residence with us as a new foster. He's an older dude who deserves a cushy existence.  He was a hunting dog lost afield.  When he was found his owner had moved out-of-state and didn't want him back.  I know I can think of several names for people like that...can't you?

Here is the deal, Buddy is a bit of a crusty old boy with mast cell tumors, irritated skin, and he just got neutered.  His whole world changed, he lost his jewels and he's trying to find a way to settle in.  Life is like that sometimes, we're irritated, we've been altered and we don't know where to settle.

Our job is to help him do just that. Good news is that his tumors are low grade and have clean margins. That means Buddy will be healthy enough to enjoy that forever home when it finds him. 

Until then, he's with us. He has some learning to do to appreciate the finer things in life, like living indoors, soft blankets, warmth and nourishment.  And while I would like to have some words with his former owner, I believe I'd begin them with gratitude. By not wanting him back, he gave Buddy a second chance for happiness. So he wasn't a complete moron, but very close.   

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