Friday, May 13, 2011

Big Changes

If only faith rained down in buckets. Sort of like last night when we got 2" of rain in 30 minutes. Imagine how nice that would be. I can visualize moping up the floor because all the faith spilled over, just like the rain last night. Of course, last I checked it didn't work that way.

I could safely say I/we are in the season of big changes. Big changes = big stress + counting down to the wedding and moving. My challenge is to approach each day with a positive spirit and a full serving of faith.

I know just how Sophie felt when she came to us. Give me a crate and I will gladly hide in it. Let me know when all the drama is over!! Word has it she is settling in well! She's found the master bed and gave it her seal of approval. She has absconded with her owners bra and gave it a run about the house. Oh, this foster Mom is so proud. Such important life skills.

Find a soft place to settle in. Run for joy dragging something with you. Have faith. When you can't find the faith, ask for help. Then wait until it rains down.

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