Thursday, May 19, 2011

So Quiet

It is so quiet without Sophie around. I miss having her curled up under my desk while I'm working or playing on the computer. For a timid little thing she has a huge presence!

I am fairly certain Hank and Mick are not missing her at all. Phfewww.....they have 16 months of uninterrupted naps to catch up on. They are loving it. Now, she'll be coming back over the weekend for a little stay, but that is a need to know thing for Hank and Mick.

Often we have a greater appreciation for things when they are gone for a while. I'm not sure the boys will apply that to Sophie, but it general it's true.

Sophie being gone is about the only quiet thing in life right now. I feel like I'm about to climb into a hamster wheel and go for a long spin. Sometimes, well, once maybe, I felt really calm about that. I keep trying to get back to that place. I realize it's a choice whether I run around like a chicken with my head cut off. Perhaps that's why my Mom used to call me Chicken Little.

It would be nice if I could harness that anxiety and focus it into some major productivity. Hahahaaaahhaaaa....oh yes, this is me we're talking about.

So, for now, the boys enjoy the quiet. And I know quiet is a relative term. Others have ridden this hamster wheel and come out the other side. I will too.

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