Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Who's Training Who

I think I'm doing well because Layla is learning to heel, to come (sometimes), to leave it, to wait. I think she's just humoring me. Half the time I'm praising her for these accomplishments, the other half I'm telling her to quit eating from my flower pots, to get off the picnic table, to stop eating my growers pots. Especially the one with the mint I'm growing for Mojito's.

It's been a while since we're done any serious obedience work with my dogs. Hahaha, serious? and Layla? In the same sentence? Not hardly.

Between her attention span, and mine for that matter, it makes it a challenge. With the uncertain background of her first year she requires some extra patience. And then, she is handicapped by my ability to make time, or not make time, for training sessions. I'm certain we are the "most likely to fail" in class. Even the 6 month old Great Dane pup is doing better. And she had to be almost dragged into class the first session.

I suppose any training is better than no training. We're learning as we go, I'm training her, she's training me. It's a teamwork thing.

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