Sunday, May 13, 2012


I've been doing this Mom gig for quite a while now. Let me tell you I'd do those baby days over in a heart beat. Not at my current age, mind you, but back when I was young, semi-clueless and full of energy. It's been a privilege to be called Mom, Mommy, Mother, dog-Mom, foster dog-Mom.

I still wake up at the crack of dawn with the dogs. Years of being "on call" with the kids trained me for this. One ear always open for them stirring. One heart beat away from concern that something might be wrong with a precious little one. I'm at the stage in life where my kids are on their own, self sufficient and our circles don't cross much. Not complaining at all, mind you. Except for missing the joy of them walking in the door when you don't expect them.

Now I just "Mom" the dogs. Believe me, with Layla it's a full time job. She is a digger, chewer, hunter of moths, go getter that has no off button. At her first obedience class the teacher used her as a prime example. We might never get her to 'sit', we need to pick our battles. Great, first class and we are a shining example of non-compliance.

But, and there is always a but, she keeps us on our toes, makes us laugh, entices us to throw the tennis ball a hundred times a day and keeps Mick and Hank from being stodgy couch potatoes.

Kids are like that. They keep us from complacency and at the same time make our hearts grow. Makes me realize how lucky I am in my role as Mother of both, the two footed and four footed variety of kids.

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