Thursday, May 3, 2012

Prancing In The Dark

Ms. Layla, who believes she is part retriever, loves her tennis balls. Thanks to a neighbor kid who plays tennis, she has quite a collection. There are at least 6 if not more in the yard. If she wants you to throw it, she'll bring it and drop it near you. If you don't respond she'll go get another. Just in case we prefer one ball over the other. Let me tell you, she's hard to resist.

Last night we played what I call "prancing in the dark". Imagine a young, blonde bimbo..err...young liver pointer playing fetch in the dark. We would toss the ball, but she was clueless as to where it went. No matter that. She would run circles in the yard until she found a ball. Doesn't matter which ball. Any ball will do. Game on! Granted, if she only had one ball it would have been a different game. Way more intense than her little brain could handle. Since there were many she was like "Oh yea! A Ball!, run, run, wait for the toss. Run, run, run, Oh hey! Here's a ball. Run, run, run. Wait for the, run, run...Heck Yes, I'm a night vision retrieving genius!

Maybe she's a genius. Could be she's the Einstein of canines. Or, maybe, she's a silly little pointer girl prancing in the dark. Thankfully she lives in a yard where it rains tennis balls. ...wait for the, run, run...

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