Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I've been thinking a lot about weeds, and bugs. Strange, huh? You wouldn't think there would be much to admire about them, but there is. They are pesky, irritating, invasive, nasty, thorny and creepy. But when you get right down to it, I have to admire their tenacity. Ten-a-city....stick-to-it-iveness. They don't give up. They keep coming back, they are dedicated. If I had a dime for every fly that has bitten me lately, and two for every time I've cursed their existence, I'd be a wealthy woman. If I had a nickel for every weed that has germinated in my garden/yard/flower pot...I'd could give Bill Gates a run for his money. A weedy run, but a run just the same. So where are we going with this? It's a lesson in tenacity. When good people suffer from illness and accidents, when dogs get lost when they should be enjoying their forever homes, when all the news seems bad we must remember the weeds. When our faith is wobbly and our hopes get dashed, we must remember the fly. Sometimes we are overwhelmed and discouraged. We forget the milestones we reach, the dogs we've saved, the lives we've touched. So maybe, just maybe a seed of faith will grow and a bite of energy will spring forth. And, maybe we'll see things in a new way.

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