Thursday, August 18, 2011

In A Holding Pattern

Yup, we're waiting. Waiting for the house to sell, for a new job to be offered to me, to find new housing, for our new life together to begin. Waiting for all that to be settled so we can foster again.

In reality, it's all begun. Just can't see the progress right now. I am not good at waiting. I know I should be calm, collected, reserving energy for the excitement ahead. I should be like a tortoise, slow and steady packing and preparing. I'm not so much a tortoise. I more resemble a chicken with my head cut off. What do I do? When do I do it? Where do I do it? When will I know?? Why not now??

I have a hard time with questions with no answers. Perhaps we all do, so I ought to be more gentle with myself. I should tell myself to "breathe" helps. I should let go and let God, instead of sending up flares of anxiety. I should focus on the calm of my life right now.

The calm, oh ya, might not be a bad place to dwell for a while.

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