Thursday, August 25, 2011

Who Is Training Who?

Over the years my kids have witnessed many acts of kindness. You know, things you do because it's the right thing to do and because you can.

Like sending flowers, and making a meal for someone in need. They saw this over and over and it warms my heart to see them do these things for their friends. Well, they have got the idea, the execution isn't perfect, but I'm thrilled they know what to do.

I haven't figured out if my oldest son is really smart, or really lazy, but he's getting the job done. His girlfriend's father has been ill and recently passed away. As the floral expert in the family he called to have me order flowers to go to the hospital. No problem, I can do that. I thought it was very sweet. After the death, I was asked to make some lasagna for the family. Again, I'm tickled pink he wanted to do this...and that he thinks Mom's lasagna is pretty tasty. I'm kinda surprised he didn't ask his sister the chef to do the cooking. Proof I still have the knack!

I didn't mind in the least cooking for him. I love his generous spirit, which I know he witnessed at home. And, I'm amused at how he still has me wrapped around his finger. Not necessarily a bad thing....

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