Thursday, August 4, 2011

Show Me Your Teeth

This title could read so many ways. There is the gleaming white knock 'em dead smile kind of show me your teeth. The don't mess with me I'm threatened curling of the lips to show you my teeth. There is the little baby has it's first tooth type of show me your teeth.

Then there is the black lab who showed me her teeth the other night. She wanted my attention. I told her to go lay down. She wanted my attention, I told her to go lay down. I turned my gaze from hers to further show that I meant business. So in a completely, non-aggressive, attention seeking manner Tobey showed me her teeth. I'm certain if she could talk she would have said "look at my pretty smile, now will you pet me? Now will you pet me, now will you pet me?? See me smile, now will you pet me". So I lost it at that point to laughter. It was a clever ploy and it worked. Point Tobey.

Personally, I'm feeling like showing my teeth in not a happy lab way. My house is up for sale, and yesterday the house next door to us went up for sale. Grrrrrrr.....I feel like I'm in limbo as it is. When will it sell, when will we move, where while we move? Will there be anything good to buy when we do sell?? I don't need the competition of two houses in the cul-de-sac for sale at one time. The stress is making my lips curl. Not a pretty sight.

So there you have it, happy lips, cranky lips. What can I say....lips happen.

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