Thursday, February 9, 2012

All I Need

All Hank needs to make him happy is a Kong filled with peanut butter. Give him that and he is a happy boy. Simple wants, simple pleasures. One happy dog.

I should focus so intently on the good things in life. He is such an inspiration. Yes, I know he's a dog. I know he sniffs crotches and licks his own butt. I know he snores. I know he pulls the blankets off you in the night and won't move over.

But he is also totally in the moment. He acts like I feed him filet mignon. A walk is surely a trip around the world. A treat is caviar and creme brulee. He likes nothing better than to accompany me into the bathroom. Failing that invitation he waits patiently outside the door. His needs are so simply met.

The simple things please him. Everyone should have a Hank in their life. More of us should enjoy the way he does. His joy is not half hearted. It is eager, and enchanted, and it is all I need.

1 comment:

Ali said...

I thought you got the name wrong by the wY I read the second paragraph, I thought you were tLking about Reno! ;)