Friday, February 24, 2012

Geographically Speaking

I seem to be living/traveling vicariously through my dogs. Especially the fosters. For example, Sidney came from Oklahoma, Hank and Pete from Iowa, Sophie from Nebraska, Kobe and Layla from Kansas, Mickey from Missouri, Snowflake from Tennessee, JR and Queenie from Colorado. There was also Buddy, Bo and Jackson...ummmm...I can't remember their states of origin. Adoptive homes took two to NY state, others went to Mississippi, New Mexico, Minnesota, a couple stayed in Nebraska. Only one was a foster failure, so far. Several, sadly, have crossed the bridge.

Layla and Pete could be siblings, or second cousins twice removed. It amazes me how similar they are. Even right down to the nickname skeletor. Kobe had a face only a mother could love. Sidney was my butterfly boy. Hank is my only permanent foster and frankly we couldn't have been more blessed to share his life. Sophie taught us all about patience.

And then there is the whole network of friends I've made all over the country, and the world, who also help dogs. What a delight it would be to actually meet them all!

I may not travel much, but through the dogs I get around. All of this because I wanted to give back to rescue after adopting Mick. Funny thing is, all these years of giving back and I have yet to give back a tenth of the joy I receive from helping the dogs. It is the road I travel and geographically speaking it has been dogged with blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nicely written. You and the dogs are truly blessed to have crossed each others paths. Great work!