Monday, April 9, 2012

Our House

"Our House is a very, very, very fine house. With three dogs in the yard. Life used to be so hard, now everything is easy 'cause of you..." Okay, so I took some artistic license with an old Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song. I feel pretty sure they meant to write three dogs, instead of two cats. But maybe they were cat people instead of dog people. Could be they felt the cats needed a little help in popularity polls.

We have three dogs in the yard. And a couple of squirrels that talk smack to them. We have two senior dogs and a youngster that thinks life is a cabaret. Well, make that, life is a tennis ball, fish toy and a rope toy. Life is for running willy nilly. It is for flopping down when you can't run any more. Buckets with wood soaking for the bbq become the equivalent of bobbing for apples. It's fun to see her shenanigans and to watch the boys snooze in the sun. Young bliss and old bliss coexisting. I wish I had her energy, and I envy the boys their nap time.

Most everything is easy 'cause of you'...dogs. Or at least easier, in this very fine house. They don't take themselves seriously. Nor should we. Although they do take play and naps seriously. Good lessons to learn for our own very fine house....

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