Sunday, April 29, 2012

Tough Choices

I have a dear friend who asked me how to make sense of euthanizing a beloved pet when the bible says though shalt not kill. She asked me to share this dilemma with those who read this blog in hopes of making sense of this.

She knew she had no choice to love her dog across the bridge. Playing a role in that is the worst part of pet ownership. We all dread that day. We fret and worry when the time is near. We walk those last steps with a heavy broken heart.

How do we find peace with that? I hope it is found in humanely ending the suffering of our furry friend. It can seem both easy and yet profoundly complex to understand. As I write Layla lays beside me on the recliner. She trusts me to care for her needs, in good times and in bad, sickness and in health.

Thou shalt not kill. But, we should end suffering when we are able to do so. So I turn this over to you, to help a grieving friend find peace.

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