Sunday, December 16, 2012


For me, the dogs bring laughter, entertainment, compassion and comfort.  After the massacre at Sandy Hook, not even the dogs can offer sufficient comfort. There is a gut wrenching agony at the injustice of it all.

And yet, the dogs don't know the depths of our sorrow or the events that break our hearts.  They know only to live in the moment.  Which, is probably a wise goal for us as well.

Some of our moments are those of sorrow, some despair, some exquisite joy, some the day in and day out routine of life.  Until something happens to shake our foundation, to reveal another side of life.  Then we are called to weep with those who mourn, to celebrate when life is good, to trust in the process when we cannot clearly see the path.  

So we solidarity.  Holding close those we love, the two footed and the four footed loves of our life.  And we try to go on, in the moment as best we can.

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