Sunday, December 2, 2012


I should have documented all the shenanigans over the years.  A log book of some sort listing each pup who shared our lives and the ways they touched our heart. Along with a photo of the suspect involved.

There would be Abby, my labrador, who ate the $200 cash car insurance payment off the kitchen table.  Evidence was found on that, but it was beyond repair.  She also chewed threw more leashes than I could count.  There was Fancy, my daughters dobe.  She had a thing for shoes.  God bless her she never ate them.  But would take one and bury it in her blanket.

Several had a thing for lingerie.  Mickey "took" a bra from laundry basket and raced around the back yard with it around his neck.  But then he also dragged my iron down the steps where it landed on the ceramic tile floor.  Scared the beejeezus out of him!  Pete snatch a hot pink Victoria's Secret bra and was found on the sofa savoring it.  

Under the category of blatant opportunism we have Mickey who snagged the piece of fruit cake off the coffee table.  He could just taste the holiday spirit that day! Prince Kobe sampled Reno's single malt scotch and somehow lived to tell about it. He also surfed a cucumber off the counter and proceeded to consume it.  He was a dog with a diverse palate.  

Jessie helped herself to some chicken and a pork chop.  Screw the cucumbers she was going for the good stuff.  And then there is Buck.  He sets the record for leaving a debris path while counter surfing.  He helped himself to a box of crackers, 1/2 a loaf of bread, part of a stick of butter.  He lacked the motor skills to take the butter dish lid off, so he knocked it to the ground shattering it.  Egads.  He did have an accomplice.  But we know it was his long legs that got him to the goodies.  

Now, in our defense.  Ummm....well...we do have one.  Just not sure it would hold water, bread, crackers or some really good scotch.  Thankfully I can report little, or no blood shed during these events.  We have gotten smarter, but the evidence just posted doesn't exactly show that.  All the proof I really have is that the dogs are really smart and we do our best to keep up with them.  And it's always, always interesting in our doggy dog world.

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