Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wandering Thots

"If she doesn't buy dog food before going to the airport we demand to be rehomed" ~Hank & Mick

Hmmmmmm, I sensed a pending uprising. They were getting nervous, asking for passport information, mentioning running on beaches far away. Concerned that food rations were getting slim and Mom was packing that funny bag with wheels on it yet again. They looked at me out of the corners of their eyes, gauging my every move.

Now, let me just say - I wouldn't leave home without the pups being in good hands. So off I went to get food. When I'm pressed for time I run to a nearby dog grooming store who also carrys my brand of dog food. Well, not my brand, because I don't eat dog food. You know what I mean.

So I'm talking to the owner, with food in hand. My mouth is carrying on normal conversation about the weather, the college world series, the government. We covered a lot of territory in just a few moments. But while my mouth is talking small talk, my mind is thinking...Wow - this guy needs his eyebrows trimmed. Oh look, he has nose hairs needing trimming too! Seriously, this guy is a groomer! Shouldn't he look in the mirror once in a while between dogs?? Couldn't he give himself a puppy cut in the name of good business practices??

So there you have it....the dogs got food, and my mind wandered the random world of grooming. It's probably a good thing I don't wander like this while operating heavy machinery.....oh wait, I don't operate heavy machinery. Phfeww......

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