Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Which World

This week I'm in my travel world and have to be away from home. I'm in the city with the largest number of dogs per capita than anywhere else. So, how come I'm needing a doggie fix in the worst way? Which leads me to the question? Why aren't more business meetings scheduled in dog parks? Why don't doggie day cares have meeting rooms for the public. It seems that would increase productivity.

I haven't seen a hunting dog since last Thursday. I've only petted two dogs, one an English Bulldog in the Portland Airport, and one a Boston Terrier at a Farmers Market. Cute dogs, both of them. Willing, dogs - both of them. Willing to receive the needy attention of a dog lover far from home.

If I'm supposed to ask and I shall receive...let me make this request. Lord, I need a hunting dog fix. Preferably a pointer. I think it's okay to be very specific. I need this for health reasons. Dogs are good for my mental health. I need it for comfort reasons. Their presence brings me comfort. I need it for humor reasons. They laugh with their tails, I laugh at their tails. I feel best in the company of dogs.

In my world, which sometimes includes travel, I need my fix of doggies. Here I am Lord.....send me a dog, or two. .....Amen

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