Monday, June 27, 2011

Walking down the....

Yep, it's almost time to take that stroll. You know the one. Soon I'll be walking down the aisle. And before you know it I will be Mrs. Scary Man.

This explains a lot. Like why I haven't been writing much. Well, I have, but just in my other blog

I have been writing some, and traveling a lot. And trying to get my house ready for sale. So life has been pretty full. Some of our stuff is here, some is in a storage shed. We haven't listed this house, haven't found another house. Scary Man comes and goes, I stay put, sorta. If you rule out the 11 out of 14 days of travel recently. Hank and Mick were very concerned with my absence. Mick is a picky eater at best, so he totally dislikes when I am gone. Hank eats like a horse and will eat Mick's too given half a chance.

This week we take that leap of faith into married life. I do, he does, we do. There are things the vows say, like love, honor, and keep. I'm certain that means love honor and keep fostering. I refuse to obey, but would substitute negotiate. Scary Man has been practicing his vows, they include saying Yes Dear, I'm Sorry and Here is the Checkbook. So far he's been a quick study.

It's an exciting walk we're taking, and we are pretty darned blessed to be taking it.

Just Sign Us - Mrs. Scary Man & Mr. Crazy Dog Lady - I think we make a good pair.

1 comment:

nerfkid said...

Yea! Best Wishes!