Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I can distinctly remember my kids slurping their beverage with straws and the noise they would make. If I had a dime for every time I shushed them, or said "quit making that racket". Drink it nice.

Well, let me tell you. Kids slurping have got nothing over dogs licking. Not that I would, but I could lick my hand and no one would ever hear it. But a dog, licking its paw, flank, or bum could break the sound barrier.

I thought Hank was going to lick his butt clear off last night. And I felt for him. I sure don't want mine to be as uncomfortable as his was, ever! He was noisy and miserable, which made me just miserable.

I did all I could for him. Loved up on him, rubbed him, patted him. Told him to quit licking and go lay down. Oh wait, he was already laying down. In the end we both slept fitfully. Today he went to the vet to have that little issue resolved. But that's another whole blog.

Tonight, no licking, none, zip, nada, I hope. Ahhhhh.....silence is a lovely sound.

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