Wednesday, March 28, 2012


A friend writes to me. "This is my second full day without Mike." So this blog is about grief, and hopefully, a very small measure of comfort.

So often we measure life in days, weeks, months. Other times we measure it by the magnitude of loss. We measure from the moment life changed until we can no longer measure the size of the pain. We measure because doing so offers a speck of reality in a life that has become surreal.

The heart cannot hold all the pain at once. The mind shuts down and numbness encompasses. We think in terms of the past because we cannot fathom the future. And I wonder, what comforts pain like this?

Let me say I am no expert in this. But this is my wish for my friend. In this time of sorrow and introspection be gentle with yourself. Let your animals lean on you and be balm for your soul. Furry friends speak volumes. Be still if you need to. Breathe.... Cry when you have tears. Know that you are not alone. He is with you. He is always with you.

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