Saturday, March 17, 2012


I am going to start a list of great names for dogs. Future dogs, because you never know when you might need one. If we got a really gnarly foster we could name it Crusty or Gnarly, for that matter. Bracken is another good one. Skeezix, Okra, Keeper, Loner, Nugget, Pinot, many names.

Of course the flip side is the list that would be amusing, but not quite politically correct. Dip shit, Numbskull, Nerdbait, Bonehead, Goofball, Dopey, Moron, Trouble, and a whole slew of left handed slang names.

Days have names. Not just your basic Mon-Tues-Weds. Today, for example could be called melancholy-day. Another day might be Sad-turday. Or someday it might be Excitaday.

I am definitely melancholy today. It will pass. I want to wallow. I want to look back and wish things didn't change. I want all that, all this and all there is to come. Yep, I know it doesn't work that way. I think I have my house sold and that is why I am blue. See? Days have colors too, not just names. It is hard to let go of good things, even when better things come your way. I am attached, invested, and sometimes a chicken shit about letting go. Of course this means some tears are on the horizon. It's what I do. I'll be weepy and then be stronger because of it.

And I'll have good names like Reno, Mick, Layla and Mr. Hanky to help me through the transition.

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