Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day By Day

How is it that the days fly by, the time drags, change (and healing) never comes fast enough. We long for, look for, dream of, hope for, wait for. And we do it not so patiently. Well, at least I do it not so patiently.

It's been a long haul with my Mother ill. And we have a long, long way to go. Funny how busy we can be and yet, when needed we find the time. Some of us do. Some don't, won't, haven't, couldn't, didn't.

We forget, in the rush, bustle, hurry and wait, watch and wonder, hope and pray to be present in the day. I, who am famous with my friends for saying "breathe....it helps". Haven't been so good at doing that lately. Several friends have asked what I'm doing to take care of myself. Ah-ha, excellent question.

It's time to breathe, to slow down, to not hold on so tight, to trust more, to worry less. I did that a bit today by napping, gardening and blogging. And by breathing. You see, it helps.

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