Saturday, October 16, 2010


Have you ever had the wind taken out of your sails. Are you currently discouraged? Have you felt demoralized? Look at these words. Dis - couraged. I hate when someone dis's my courage. De- moralized. It sucks when my morale dis-appears. I depend on it to be my Energizer Bunny.

I rarely feel discouraged or demoralized in relation to the dogs. They get A+ in motivation. They get A+ in empathy and encouragement. Some days it makes you wish you could just hole up with the pups and forget about mankind. Ain't that the truth?

Wouldn't it be nice if our bosses, spouses, or relations were dogs? Unless, of course, they had the tendency to nip or growl. Hmmmm, maybe they do. But, heck, we could discipline them and retrain them. At the very least we could crate them.

It's hard when you lose your momentum to discouragement. It happens to all of u. It happens in friendships, in our faith life, with our boss, parents, kids...just about anybody. It happens.

I guess I/you/me/we have to decide. We have chose to move past the loss of courage, the decrease of morale. Perhaps we can do that by being more dog-like. For the most part they forget the dis-moments and embrace the bliss moments. So can we. We can regroup, rethink, recharge and renew. Dis-moments are pretty much hit and miss moments. Learn from them and let them go.

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