Monday, November 21, 2011

Picking and Choosing

If I had to pick between the personalities of Hank and Mick, it would be a tough choice. Hank goes through life with pure joy and in "lalala" mode. Mick is definitely more cool, dignified and would look really good with a monocle.

Mick is my hunter. Even on leash he's in hunt mode. Hank? Not so much. Perhaps Hank was a blonde in another life, and Mick was a scholar and athlete. Hank was a Miss Congeniality. Mick was a little cool and distant. Hank was voted most likely to say pet me, pet me, pet me. Mick was voted most likely to be the strong silent type.

Truthfully, I'd like to be as driven as Mickey is. But I'm closer to happy-go-lucky like Hank is. Mick is the one usually to go on point. Hank will honor Mick's point some of the time. If those two brain cells are active at that exact time.

Both are good cuddlers, although Hank tries to be at one with you, and Mick is content to ease gently up to you. Hank enthusiasm should be bottled, cloned or put in pill form.

Truth be told if I had to pick, I'd choose them both again. They are just the best in all respects. But then again, I didn't pick them. They were chosen for me.

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