Sunday, November 6, 2011

Random Thots - November

Celebrations sometimes are slow in coming. We planned, when we got engaged, to simply enjoy the moment for 6 months, then crack open a bottle of Moscato D'Asti and plan the wedding. Hmmmmm, that was many months ago. In fact, we've been married for over 4 months now and we just opened that bottle of wine. Rather like life, the celebrations are still sweet even if the timing isn't according to our plan.

We feel that way about the recent loss of Sophie. The timing certainly wasn't what we envisioned, but our part in her life is still very sweet. We thought our time with Hank would be short and we are still blessed daily by this silly boy. He must have more love to share and he is such an expert at it.

We are settling into our routine here. Hoping soon to have the fencing finished in the back yard so Hank and Mick don't have to be tethered anymore. As soon as you let them loose (on ropes) they precede to tangle themselves around trees and each other. It's the canine version of the childrens string game Cat's In The Cradle. As smart as they are they are not able to back track and unwind. I have never seen such pathetic looks from them when they are all twisted up. I think of weave poles in agility as I unwind, back track, untwist and go round and round to free the boys. We will all have greater appreciation for safe fencing and the freedom to enjoy it. We will also have greater empathy for the dogs we see on our walks who are chained or tethered.

Last but not least, giving thanks is on our minds in the month of November. Mostly I'm thankful this week held healing and way less drama. Couldn't we all use more of that? Healing, less drama and a safe place to run. That would definitely help untangle life.

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