Sunday, November 27, 2011


After 47 days (guess who was counting) without fencing at our little dog house we are finally secure! Kudos to Reno for his hard work to make this happen.

No more wait, wait, wait while I secure the boys on ropes. No more going out to untangle them after they have wrapped themselves around the trees. You can see the joy in their movement as they can prance across the yard without ropes. I can only guess it was a shock to them to be tethered. Huh, we have to be tied down? What, I can't get over to that spot that really smells good? Mommmm, I'm stuck!

I see many dogs in yards tethered. I hurt for them. We see one German Shorthair Pointer regularly on our walks. He lives in a tiny dog run, with a small dog house about 50' from the owner's house. I'd like a word with that owner. Okay, I'd like several. I imagine what my dogs might say to that dog as we pass..."hey, do you ever get out? Were you a really bad dog? Sucks to be you dude". And between Mick and Hank they probably say "damn, are we lucky dogs". And they are.

There are dog who never go further than their fenced yards. Never get out for walks, never get the joy of human touch and companionship. Never eat regularly, get groomed, or just plain loved up on. For those dogs I pray.

For mine, and the new fencing, I give complete thanks.

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