Sunday, February 28, 2010


Four, count 'em, four mice so far.  The buffet has been reduced to just dessert.  Come and get it boys, have we got a surprise for you.

I'm also counting the days until the bathroom tile is done.  No, I'm not complaining.  I think Reno looks pretty sweet in his knee pads and tool belt.  Yes, he wears more than that, jeans, shirt etc.  He's been working like crazy on it.  I for one, have a greater appreciation of how much stuff a woman uses in the course of the day.  That's because it's all in a card board box on top of his sink in his bathroom. 

Sophie is counting  the days too.  All the construction apparatus gives her much to bark about.  Right now she's barking at a box in the hallway and the plunger.  She knows that box (and plunger) don't belong there any more than the mice belong in the basement. 

One of my readers suggested that I should be happy the visiting creatures are mice and not rats.  Dang!  I love her optimistic thinking.  She's right!  Sure is nice to know I can count on friends to encourage me this way.  I can count on Reno to finish my bathroom, and I can count on Sophie to bark at boxes, doors, and bathroom plunger.  I think we have all the bases covered.  In fact, I'm counting on that.

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