Friday, February 19, 2010


Sophie is progressing.  Oh, don't get me wrong, she still has a ways to go. 

She potties well for us.  Each time though she moves a little further from her original potty place.  She started by the raised garden that we plant tomatoes.  Over the month she's moved all the way to the patio.  I'm pretty sure we're gonna have to shovel the patio this spring.  I keep trying to send subliminal messages that we have a whole yard and not just 12 or so feet between the raised bed and the patio.  She is a creature of habit.  If something disturbs the potty process, a barking dog, a human voice, a siren in the distance, that's it for the elimination process.

She also ventured into our bedroom this morning to see me.  I saw her peeking at me from the hallway and called to her.  She gingerly made her way in to me.  That's a first, and oh so brave of her.  Good girl Sophie.

Progress of another kind is happening too.  I really think I'm seeing visual changes in Hanks tumor.  I hate even writing that.  He's been with us for almost a year.  In Hank year's it's been the best ever.  He was found near death, was nursed to "health" by gentle people in rescue, and found a forever foster home.  He wants for nothing, and all I want is for his comfort, today and in the days ahead.

So there you have it.  Progress is a good thing, and progress can be a thing of sorrow.  We see some of each.  And in each there is cause for celebration. 

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