Sunday, June 6, 2010

Coming of Age

Funny how many words we get bombarded with daily. We hear them, but we don't listen. We respond, but we don't comprehend. We talk, but we don't speak from the heart. We are notorious babblers, with important things to say and missed opportunities to say what is important. This time we said with words and actions what has great value to us.

We have been celebrating Reno's daughters 21st birthday this weekend. We flew to Seattle to surprise her. It was just one of those special occasions as a parent we had to be a part of. Perhaps it's a sentimentalism born of the realization that time flies and we're not getting any younger. It takes us back to new born babies, hopes and dreams. Life was all in front of us, youth, maturity, laughter,trials and challenges. He raised two children, I raised three. We changed diapers and grew up along side them.

Now they are young adults having landmark birthdays. For us, 21 was ages ago. For them, 21 is the cusp of life. They want to take life by leaps and bounds, and we are humbled by baby steps. How to convey the depth of our gratitude for the opportunity to be parents. It has been a labor of love, but one we would not have missed for the world. Much like this birthday.

Coming of age, coming to share the moment. Giving thanks for all the moments that led to this time in her life. Today we wrote "I'm 21" in the sand on a beach on the Puget sound and photographed a young woman we love celebrating just that moment. A fleeting moment yes, a cherished memory......always.

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