Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Change is Good

That is what they say - change is good. Frankly, I think they are smoking something funny when they come up with chit like that.

Into every life change must come. A little rain must fall. A few socks will be lost in the drier, you will be a day late and a dollar short, you woulda, shoulda, but may not have and wished you had.

Change happens. Sometimes we embrace it with open arms and it lands softly like a butterfly. Other times it grabs you by the throat until think you might hurl. Change is like Mother Nature - fickle, damp, sloppy, and challenging.

We've got some change going on here. I'm meeting it with prayer equal too or greater than the fear involved. I'm trying to laugh, even though I've been a tad bit weepy. Heck, sometimes I laugh and cry at the same time.

I do have to laugh thinking that February would be a more relaxed month for us. Such a optimist! I think the hustle bustle of the holidays, complete with two foster puppies was the calm before the storm.

I can't help but think if I waited for change to happen when I was really ready - I'd just plain never be ready. Perhaps that is part of the bigger plan. It happens, ready or not. Hang on, it may be a wild ride.

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