Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Adoption Pending

Our little Sophie has an adoption pending. Did you ever think we'd see the day? In all honesty, after a foster has been with us for a year (or more) I begin to wonder if they were meant to be a permanent resident. And yet, we always knew she would be moving on.

Now, a part of me worries I will jinx it by sharing this news. But another part of me is presenting due diligence to Sophie. Big changes - good changes - are coming your way. It will be okay, I promise. Her potential adopter knows she's a bit of a nutcase and loves her anyway. Alright, alright, she knows she's a total nutcase sometimes, but finds it adorable. They have great plans for the future, broken off into little tiny baby steps.

The nice thing is we have a couple more months with her, and will have visiting privileges. During this time I plan a subliminal message campaign with Sophie to prepare her for her new adventure. It will go something like this...."You have a wonderful new adventure coming your way....Moving is Fun.....Change is Good.....Think of it this way - you have a new person to train!.....She is a softy and you'll wrap her around your paw in no time......It's really all about you Sophie!

Big changes coming for a little pocket pointer. Almost as big as the changes we've seen in her.

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