Monday, March 28, 2011

Is This Heaven??

How many times have you said......"ohhhhh, that would be heaven"? Once, twice, twenty times, too many to count? Chocolate is heaven, flowers are, dogs, of course go without saying. Long weekends are heaven. Bonus's, girl friends, bargains, good wine, laughter, kids, spouses, successes beyond our wildest dreams. Heaven is at once both enormous and minute.

If you asked Hank the would tell you his lives in heaven. He is not alone and hurting. He is loved, fed, sleeps in great comfort, purrs with content. He is adored and adores those around him. Sophie would say this is heaven too. She doesn't have to be afraid, she can be herself. Or, she can relax enough to figure out what "her self" really is. Mick would say this is heaven, except for having to share the bed and my affection with Hank and Sophie. Either way he knows there is more than enough love to go around and multiple beds to snooze on.

What if this is our heaven?? Well, our heaven on earth, that is. I have to think it is a personal choice. Maybe you can't find a whole lot of heaven in your life right now. Maybe you can find and honor just one tiny speck of it. One little giggle, one tiny moment of thanksgiving, one gift of the heart. Heaven grows from this.

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