Thursday, March 31, 2011

Time Zones

I've finally figured it out. In retrospect it explains everything. Sophie lives in one time zone and we live in another. Her schedule is totally on Eastern Standard Time. Mine is on Central Standard Time.

It would have been helpful to figure this out months ago, or to at least apply that filter to her adoption profile. She always gets up before I want to, and goes to bed before I do. What else could it be?

She rests when I want to play and plays when I want to rest. I wonder if she's gone through life misunderstood because she should have lived on the East coast? Was she an over achiever as a puppy and her litter mates thought she was a nut case? She probably thinks the rest of us have a few screws loose and she's the sane one.

The challenge is she lives with one dog who must be on Mountain time and one who is on Central time. Poor girl, so many issues to deal with. Maybe she is a Bar Harbour girl at heart forced to live in the flatlands of NE. Life can be so cruel....

Maybe when she goes to her forever home next month I need to tell her she's moving back to her home zone. Maybe I need to remind her new owner how exquisitely adorable she is early in the day when she is at her spunkiest. Followed by how precious she is at night (which technically falls from 8pm-5:30am) when she's sleeping. Maybe I'll just let that one play out on it's own.

She's lovable no matter the time. I just need to learn to be more zonally flexible.

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