Friday, September 11, 2009

Career Choices

Thus far,I can say without a doubt, did not miss my calling as a nurse/doctor, an accountant , an attorney, a teacher, a life guard or a politician. When they passed out brains for those fields I was out to lunch.

As much as I love dogs, I have no desire to be a vet or a vet tech. As much as I love flowers, I don't want my own shop. Is it lazy to say I don't want to work that hard? I don't. Frankly, I don't want to work 40-50 hours a week. But I do love my job. I love the people I work with, within reason, or course.

I get paid for my job, but my vocations bring meaning to my life. Writing, dogging, gardening, being a parent, being a partner, a friend, supporting, laughing, praying. Those are my vocations.

Lest you think I get down on my knees to pray daily, I don't. But I have to believe those times I utter the words "oh God" in any context constitute prayer. There are many examples..."oh God, I've done it now, Oh God, what have I gotten myself into? Oh God, here we go again. Oh God, I wasn't expecting that! Oh God, could that person be any more stupid. Oh God! Oh God, Oh God. As in, well you know, Oh God!! Usage of that phrase is not a form of disrespect. Rather one of great respect. Who else does one turn to so immediately? Or at least so consistently!

Which brings me to this thought. We have all seen the Dog and God word plays. Coincidence, I don't think so. I believe in karma and dogma. I believe I would like to be half as good a person as my dogs think I am. I hope once and a while I hit that mark. Much like Kobe, Mickey and Hank all try to hit the same mark, I'd like to do the same.

Perhaps the key to succeeding in this it to keep after it. Like a dog with a bone, a springer with a ball, a lab in water. Dogged determination, unrelenting action, growing belief in our lives, our loves, our dogs and dogma.

All choices we have and vocations we love.

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