Monday, September 28, 2009

Life is Good When.....

Life is good when you open the door, smell the distinct aroma of skunk, and realize you're dogs came in unscathed.

Life is good when you stumble upon a really great deal on dog food. Plus it provides visual entertainment. Kobe, with his funky bottom lip and lack of teeth spreads around the small kibble bits, not to mention cottage cheese, like he's crop dusting or something. The other dogs are always willing to clean up the morsels he might leave behind. Might being the operative word, he might be messy, but he rarely leaves any behind.

Life is good when the dogs leave just enough room on the sofa for one human being. It doesn't always work out that way. Although I do have to laugh at Mickey. We (well Reno) covers the sofa with a blanket to keep it fur free. When we are at work, Mick diligently moves the blanket aside so he can sleep on the sofa. He's no dummy!

Life is good when the medicine cabinet has both canine prescriptions and human prescriptions. Although during times of great stress I have accidentally taken the dogs meds instead of my own. Plus, I once had to fill out a HIP PA privacy form for my lab when I picked up a prescription for her at the pharmacy. Soooo, this ginormous sty on my eye that got me thinking. Perhaps there was an eye ointment that I could use. Okay, perhaps publicly admitting this might be grounds for insanity. I'd say the amount of pain and swelling from this sty is insane. Let me just say, I am not usually a wimp about pain. I am a trooper, generally speaking. Unless you ask Reno or my kids.

It is probably not the wisest decision to self diagnose and self medicate. Part of me willingly acknowledges that. Actually, no where on the tube does it say "not for human use". And yes, I did research the contents to verify they were medications for human use too. So there.

As I write this I have to wonder if all ya'alls are aghast at this thought process, or if some of you might be saying yes! I've done that too!

If it doesn't help I will call the Dr. tomorrow. If I begin wagging my tail incessantly, I will call the Dr. tomorrow. If I get a wet nose, lose my oposable thumbs, have any other side affects like panting or licking my nether parts, I will call the Dr. tonight.

My thinking if it's a dose weight appropriate for one of my dogs, it probably won't hurt me, and it just might help. Of course, I am a crazy dog lady - what do I know.

Life is good when you share your life with dogs, and when they share their stuff with you.

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