Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dogs In Need

In rescue, there are always "Dogs In Need". They need someone to stand up for them, to advocate for them, foster them, adopt them, vet them, train them, and above all, love them

Sometimes, they also need a miracle. Joy, is one of those dogs. She is an English Pointer being fostered by a Pointer Rescue Organization volunteer. She was hit by a car this week. Hence, the need for a miracle. That is where you come in. What's that you say? I don't have my miracle worker hat on.

Ahh, but you do. Joy needs major vet care to help heal from her injuries. Pointer Rescue ( needs some major assistance to pay for those bills. Happy, Happy Joy, Joy - as her foster Mom calls her, needs all the help we can give her. She needs our prayers, and all the good karma we can align for her.

I also know this is holiday time. We are pressed for time, busy with family, and tapped out in the budget department. So I ask you to just ponder the dogs in need around the world, and specifically Joy. Ponder, what you can do to help. Know that we can and do make a difference.

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