Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Word Of the Week is.....

Leave it. Leave it, leave it, leave it. Followed by No, and Nooooooo. Ahhh, there is nothing like life with a puppy. Someone pass the squirt bottle please, or better yet the super soaker.

Did you know many things are edible to a puppy? The newspaper is amazing. Sticks, out of this world. Buttons, bracelets, bathrobes, boxers - oh yes, very edible. And, if Snowflake, aka Sierra had an Indian name it would be Thundering Paws. Or, Boxing Dog. So many possibilities.

Right now she is asleep in the recliner with Reno, who is also sleeping. Puppies at rest are especially appealing. She does prefer cuddling while sleeping. Today she layed her head to rest on Hank's butt. He wasn't thrilled, but she got away with it. But, frankly, everyone needs a soft spot to lay their head.

Oh yes, and did I mention dingleberries??? Sierra had one today, and was quite distressed by it. I'm sure she was thinking OMG what is this shit? I was thinking the exact same thing. Situation resolved without me having to get involved. Phfewww, that was a close one.

We also tried going for a walk today. Well, we walked. She lunged. And lunged, and lunged. Made Hank, who usually surges ahead on walks, look quite docile. Mick gave us the sad eyed look because he is having arthritis issues and is on restricted activity. No walks for Mick for two weeks. If only he understood that.

But good news! Kenneling is not a full contact sport anymore. She gets it, she really gets it! Whohoo!

So I leave you with this question - what is the word of the week at your place? Do tell.

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